We have never (in all the years we have been managing events) witnessed audiences so engaged and reignited during our keynotes. And then, for them to take the time to “write-in” all these great comments...unheard of!.
— Sandra DelVecchio • Xerox Director of Global Events

Artificial INTELLIGENCE and the power of Creative thinking

David Usher, through his pioneering company Reimagine AI, has been at the forefront of integrating creative thinking with artificial intelligence for over seven years, long before the current AI boom. His unique background as the lead singer of the multi-platinum, 4-time Juno award-winning band Moist, combined with his roles as a bestselling author and AI CEO, he is uniquely positioned to guide audiences through this technological inflection point. David didn’t read about AI in a book. He is a keynote speaker who actually works with large language model technology and generative AI every day.

His company, Reimagine AI specializes in creating AI-powered virtual beings and cutting-edge virtual being technology with a focus on entertainment and healthcare, building virtual companions for Alzheimer’s patients. This specialization aligns with Usher's belief in the power of creativity as a catalyst for embracing and adapting to the rapid changes brought about by the AI revolution.

Reimagine AI’s client and partner list is as diverse as it is prestigious, including Jamestown 500 million dollar renovation of One Times Square, Virgin Mobile, Ernst & Young and Google and in healthcare, the National Research Council of Canada, the Alzheimer’s Association of Ontario, the Seldon Memory Lab at McGill University. These partnerships underscore Reimagine AI's ability to apply its unique blend of AI and creativity across various industries, demonstrating the universal appeal and applicability of its innovative approach.

Usher’s approach to AI is deeply rooted in the idea that creative thinking is the key to unlocking the potential of AI in this new era. His story of moving from one discipline, the arts to working with artificial intelligence is really the story of every company today, as they must learn to understand and embrace this new technology. He asserts that creativity and innovation are not just beneficial but essential for navigating the challenges of a world undergoing continuous, disruptive change. His dynamic presentations, which feature live music, video, improvisation, technology, and humour, are not just entertaining but also educational, underscoring the importance of creativity as a skill that can be developed and mastered. David inspires his audience to ignite their creative processes, showing them, both personally and professionally that they can be part of this AI revolution.

Contact: Melanie Roy at Speakers Spotlight

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We use a lot of external speakers and the feedback from our audience was that David was one of the best they ever have seen. I agree. His message is perfect for this moment in our industry where things are moving quickly and we need to innovate our way forward.
— Andrew Sage • Cisco Systems Vice President